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V. I. Zuev, V. M. Kryukov Vant. Ser. Metodiki i Programmy Chislennogo Resheniya Zadach Matematicheskoy Fiziki. 1981. No 1. P. 3-8.
The paper discribes a data management facility, implemented in the DIAPAK OS, which is used to store induvidually identified data arrays (files) in a two- -level tape and disc storage with logical organization. It performs partial data structuring, and provides access methods for its processing. Centalizing data storage control allowed to create an integrated multicomputer information base, to unify, on the program basis, the tapes running on all computer devices, and provided a unique technology for data identification, organization, storage, and processing.
| INTERACTIVE MODE CAPABILITIES IN THE DUBNA MONITORING SYSTEM N. V. Zababakhina, I. V. Selivanov, T. P. Shevchenko Vant. Ser. Metodiki i Programmy Chislennogo Resheniya Zadach Matematicheskoy Fiziki. 1981. No 1. P. 9-13.
The DUBNA perfomance in interactive and inter- active/batch modes under DIAPAK OS is described. The control language is presented allowing the user to interact with the monitoring system. For interactive mode, using FORTRAN and ALGOL compilers is possible. Terminal data exchange with FORTRAN READ, and WRITE statements is implemented under FORMAT control.
| BUFFER STORAGE CONTROL IN A TERMINAL INPUT/OUTPUT SYSTEM V. I. Koryakin Vant. Ser. Metodiki i Programmy Chislennogo Resheniya Zadach Matematicheskoy Fiziki. 1981. No 1. P. 14-18.
A computer system is described which, when implemented, permits to connect up to 63 terminals to any computer in an independent manner. The paper considers OS DIAPAK terminal control programs, represented by the terminal input/ouiput system, buffer memory organization concepts and several ways for control facility implemantation, that permitted to optimize the teleprocessing mode by reducing OS overhead.
| BESM-6 NMB 3-8-1-16 DRUM BASED EXTERNAL MEMORY A. A. Yerokhin, V. I. Igrunov, P. K. Nazikhin., V. A. Pervov., S. P. Stefanko, M. A. Khromushin, E. L. Shnepov Vant. Ser. Metodiki i Programmy Chislennogo Resheniya Zadach Matematicheskoy Fiziki. 1981. No 1. P. 19-24.
Two versions of NMB 3-8-1-16 drum-based external memory for the BESM-6 are considered. Version 1 assumes using a buffer memory and byte exchange with the NMB 3-8-1-16 for read/write operations. Version 2 uses bit exchange with the drum memory. The choice of Version 2 is justified for practical realization, its brief description is given, some reliability requirements are presented which were observed during the operation.
| A PERIPHERIAL PROCESSOR DEVELOPMENT FOR EXTERNAL STORAGE AND UNIT CONTROL N. P. Zateychuk, Yu. N. Mazurin, M. A. Papkov, M. P. Pakholkin Vant. Ser. Metodiki i Programmy Chislennogo Resheniya Zadach Matematicheskoy Fiziki. 1981. No 1. P. 25-27.
This paper justifies a peripherial control processor development and indicates its main functions. It shows the communication multiplexor (MS-80) ability for the BESM-6 system/SM-4 data transfer in the start/stop mode at a peak rate of 700 КВ/sec and SM-4/100 MB Disc Drive exchange at a peak rate of 808 KB/sec. BESM-6/Disc Drive exchange time is estimated for a seguential request execution (56 msec) and maximum peripherial processor throughput is evaluated for simultaneous operation of BESM-6 interfaces and Disc Drive Controller, while combining access comands for different disc drives (up to 50 transfers/sec). A general block-diagram of BESM-6/External Storage communication through the peripherial processor is presented, followed by MS-80 multiplexor unit specifications.
| A FEEDBACK STEPPER MOTOR OPERATION COMPUTER MODEL L. Ya. Pavlikov, Ya. K. Khisamdinov, T. V. Uzentsova, G. A. Kolesnikova Vant. Ser. Metodiki i Programmy Chislennogo Resheniya Zadach Matematicheskoy Fiziki. 1981. No 1. P. 28-33.
The computer model of a SHD-4 stepper motor-based servo drive is presented. The model was used to study such drive properties while forcing coil current through resistors and capacitors. The paper shows the results, obtained from a closed stepper drive modeling. Simulation results agree well with experiment. It is concluded that such a drive may serve as a base for designing a 800-1000 mm/sec plotter, if the linear acceleration in the rise up phase is 3-4g.
| ESTIMATING THE WEAR RESISTANCE OF B2605-19, B4509-19 AND B450S-19 MAGNETIC TAPES PRODUCED WITH THE B4S02 RECIPE A. A. Erokhin, Yu. V. Kondyrev, G. B. Kucheryavykh, K. N. Khromushina Vant. Ser. Metodiki i Programmy Chislennogo Resheniya Zadach Matematicheskoy Fiziki. 1981. No 1. P. 34-35.
Wear resistance test results are presented for B2605-19, B4509-19 and B4508-19 magnetic tapes produced with the B4502 recipe. Some recomendations are given for using these tapes.
| SOME ASPECTS OF COMPUTER FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT AIMED AT NETWORK ORGANIZATION A. D. Shalfeev Vant. Ser. Metodiki i Programmy Chislennogo Resheniya Zadach Matematicheskoy Fiziki. 1981. No 1. P. 36-45.
This paper considers several approaches to solve the problem associated with computer facilities architecture development in a large computer center environment in terms of problem features, computer market possibilities, and project feasibility. Some domestic experimental computer networks are reviewed. One of the problem solution is proposed which assumes creating a multicomputer complex with shared resources. A version of a remote data processor (remote concentrator) is studied. One of the approches to computer networking is described, based on nonhomo- geneous computers.
| A DISC OPERATION SYSTEM FOR A NETWORK COMMUNICATION PROCESSOR K. A. Belyakov, G. V. Orlov, S. A. Petunin Vant. Ser. Metodiki i Programmy Chislennogo Resheniya Zadach Matematicheskoy Fiziki. 1981. No 1. P. 46-49.
A general description of a disc operation system is given. The paper examines some aspects related to the OS multitask mode implementation and controlling a data flow passing through the communication processor by means of user terminal supporting facilities. To take into account minicomputer resource features, the introduction of two task classes (G- and T-task) is justified. The system allows interlevel data transfer either through an external shared disc memory, or directly through connecting hardware by means of communication links.
| DATA CONTROL SYSTEM ON THE M-220 AND BESM-6 COMPUTERS HAVING A C0NW0N EXTERNAL MEMORY Ye. P. Afanasiev, N. I. Matveeva, V. F. Denisov Vant. Ser. Metodiki i Programmy Chislennogo Resheniya Zadach Matematicheskoy Fiziki. 1981. No 1. P. 50-56.
The paper examines a problem-oriented data control system (Poisk) on the M-220 and BESM-6 computers connected by a common external disc memory. The main functions are described, along with data identification and manipulation languages. Acceptable data logic elements are defined and their storage structure is presented. Some examples illustrating practical usage of the POISK system within a computer-aided management system are given.
| INVESTIGATING ANGULAR VELOCITY VARIATIONS OF A DRIVING MOTOR FOR A SPECIAL TAPE READ DEVICE Yu. V. Kondyrev Vant. Ser. Metodiki i Programmy Chislennogo Resheniya Zadach Matematicheskoy Fiziki. 1981. No 1. P. 57-60.
Experimental data showing the main electric motor dynamic characteristics are given. Such motors are used to design low-speed drives for sigle-roller tape transports. The measurements obtained allowed to specify the operational range of a DC motor. Results of a comparsion the directly-driven single-roller transport and the roller driven via a reducing warmgear wi th a clutch.
| MULTIPROCESSOR CALCULATIONS OF BOOLEAN FUNCTIONS S. A. Stepanenko Vant. Ser. Metodiki i Programmy Chislennogo Resheniya Zadach Matematicheskoy Fiziki. 1981. No 1. P. 61-68.
A method for algorithm synthesis to calculate Boolean functions in a nonhomogeneous network is proposed. Some estimates of computation complexity are given.
| PIK-2: A DEVICE FOR PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS Yu. V. Kondyrev, V. T. Polishchuk Vant. Ser. Metodiki i Programmy Chislennogo Resheniya Zadach Matematicheskoy Fiziki. 1981. No 1. P. 69-72.
The PIK-2 device is described for measuring instantaneous pressure values in the range between 0.49 and ~98 kPa for static and high velocity processes. A small differential inductive gage called DMI-11 is used as a trigger. An inductive impedance incorporated into the measuring bridge diagonal and varying due to the oscillations of a pressure to be measured changes the bridge circuit parameters. A varying electrical output from the bridge circuit is registered by a built-in mi 11ivoltmeter which indicates an absolute pressure value in static modes, or by an oscilloscope showing instantaneous pressure values. The main characteristics of the device are given.
| A POINT ESTIMATE OF A RELIABILITY CRITERION FOR A MECHANICAL SYSTEM ELEMENT UNDER SHOCK LOADING N. A. Bilyk Vant. Ser. Metodiki i Programmy Chislennogo Resheniya Zadach Matematicheskoy Fiziki. 1981. No 1. P. 73-76.
The paper presents an estimate of an element failure probability due to a shock loading. The estimate is derived from the experimental results on high loads. The element testing may be carried out on a model or system basis. Test loads, dynamic coefficients, and loading limits are arbitrary. This probability estimation method can be used to estimate the reliability of elements in any system (including nonmechanical ones) under pulse loading.
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