Since 1978 Published in Sarov (Arzamas-16), Nizhegorodskaya oblast |
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M. A. Pogosjan, E. P. SavePevskikh, R. M. Shagaliev, A. S. Kozelkov, D. Yu. Strelets, A. A. Ryabov, A. V. Kornev, Yu. N. Deryugin, V. F. Spiridonov, K. V. Tsiberev VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 2013. No 2. P. 3-18.
The problems of Russian supercomputer technology application in aircraft industry are considered. The main components and implementation steps of Supercomputer and Grid-Technology Development project approved by RF Executive Committee meeting on modernization and technological development of the economy are given. The contribution of supercomputer technologies to life cycle of optimization and development of aircraft technology models is shown. A number of aircraft problems of practical importance are given to be solved with Russian supercomputer technologies. Key words: supercomputer, supercomputer technologies, application, aircraft industry, aviation technology, design, computer model, simulation, software tools, validation, data base, discrete models, engineering design.
| SOFTWARE MODULE FOR 2D AERODYNAMICS PROBLEMS IN TERMS OF EXPLICIT GODUNOV-KOLGAN-RODIONOV SCHEME A. V. Rodionov, I. Yu. Myshkina, V. F. Spiridonov, S. V. Starodubov, K. V. Tsiberev, A. V. Kornev VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 2013. No 2. P. 19-36.
The work is devoted to software module deyelopment for numerical simulations of aerodynamic problems in terms of Godunov-Kolgan- Rodionov difference scheme. Given here are the development and test results for computation algorithms of 2D plane flows. The efficiency of computation technique is analyzed with an example of problems of different types in comparison with other known software packages. Key words: software module, computational aerodynamics, Eule- rian and Navier-Stokes equations, Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model, Godunov-Kolgan-Rodionov scheme.
| PERTURBATION DEVELOPMENT IN COLLIDING PLATES SYSTEM K. E. Gorodnichev, S. E. Kuratov VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 2013. No 2. P. 37-47.
The inhomogeneity evolution problem is considered as a linear approximation in shock wave - contact breaking - shock wave configuration given the constant perturbation field of density before the front of one of the shock waves. We use an approach in terms of entropy-vortex and sound waves collection. Shown here is the existence of three ranges of initial perturbation incidence angle on the shock front differing in medium behavior in the region behind the front. The maintenance conditions of shock perturbations are defined. Solutions are given for two wave vectors of initial perturbations. Key words: hydrodynamic inhomogeneity, entropy-vortex waves, sound waves, shock front perturbation.
| TVD-SCHEME FOR NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF RADIATION TRANSFER IN P1-APPROXIMATION A. D. Gadzhiev, D. A. Koshutin, A. A. Shestakov VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 2013. No 2. P. 48-56.
TVD-scheme for numerical solution of radiation transfer in Pi-approximation is considered in terms of a three-point scheme equivalent to the monotonic scheme of the first order in Riemann invariants. The three-point scheme is built by TVD-modification of the basic functions exhibiting the following properties: 1) implicitness, unconditional stability; 2) the first time order of approximation and the second space order of approximation in addition to the isolated extreme points; 3) improved properties as compared to the linear schemes of the second order of space approximation; 4) persistence; 5) multidimensional geometry generalizibility. Key words: heat radiation transfer, P1-approximation.
| APPROXIMATION OF AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS AND DERIVATIVES S. V. Alyukov VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 2013. No 2. P. 57-62.
The new approximation methods of aggregate functions and derivatives are considered, in particular of delta-functions. The methods developed do not have the shortcomings of Fourier series and enable the approximation of aggregate functions and derivatives to arbitrary large accuracy. The methods suggested make the structure and behavior of aggregate functions and derivatives clear. Key words: approximation, aggregate functions, delta-functions, Heaviside function, recursive sequence.
| OIL PRODUCTION OF COMPLEX STRATUMS AT TWO-PHASE FILTRATION OF NON-NEWTONIAN OIL V. M. Konyukhov, P. A. Mashen`khin, A. N. Chekhalin VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 2013. No 2. P. 63-77.
Considered here are the problems of mathematical and numerical simulation of filtration of non-newtonian oil and bottom water in a crack-porous stratum penetrated by a straight producer well in a required flow rate. The system of two-phase filtration equations in cracks and blocks accounts for gravitational forces due to different phase densities, stratum oil, water and rock compressibility, stratum pressure dependence of cracks absolute permeability, non-newtonian oil characteristics versus filtration rate module. The corresponding software algorithms have been developed for numerical solution. The impact analysis has been carried out for different poroperm and geometric properties of reservoir, as well as for oil production well operation. It is shown that the less is the filtration rate module of the oil structural ultimate destruction, the higher is the oil production. The stratum length (at other conditions being equal) results in oil production degradation. The non-monotonic well flow rate dependence of oil production is due to non-newtonian oil property. The most efficient is the cyclic well operation when the correlation between the well downtime and operation periods is specified by the relation of oil viscosity with damaged and undamaged structure. Key words: numerical simulation, two-phase filtration, crack-porous stratum, non-newtonian oil, bottom water.
More often the modern high-performance cluster systems have non- uniform infrastructure when the heterogeneous multi-core computational nodes are connected by various communication features. Such non-uniformity can have a substantial impact on parallel application performance with MPI collective communications: the shared memory exchange at separate nodes should efficiently fit the fast and slow channels exchange providing connection between different nodes. The implementation of new algorithms in shared operations accounting for various communication features is one of the possibilities of message exchange adaptation to new application conditions. This approach is often labor-intensive. In this article we present an alternative approach providing for the possibility of more efficient application of shared applications algorithms. The principle of method is partition of the communication space in which the shared operation is initially activated (all the processes under communicator control) in homogenous sub-spaces (subcommunicators) with further execution of these operations by parts in separate sub-spaces. Thus, a large set of additional shared algorithms is developed. First, the advantages of these algorithms lie in taking the merits of the existing algorithms in a homogeneous runtime environment; second, in a concurrent execution of separate parts of shared operations in isolated communication sub-spaces; and third, in a reduction of slow communication number. Key words: MPI, parallel computations, algorithms of shared operations.
| CONSISTENCY CHECK COMPONENT FOR MPI APPLICATION IN S-MPI SOFTWARE SYSTEM A. V. Ogorodnikov, N. A. Poburinnaya, M. I. Starov VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 2013. No 2. P. 86-94.
The advanced MPI parallel software systems become more complex; a growing number of cores and thus MPI-operations are applied. Moreover, the complexity and ambiguity of MPI standard impose a number of constraints on application of MPI-functions. It complicates the process of writing the correct and machine independent MPI-programs even for experts. The MCCT tool developed is meant to simplify the search of real and potential problems in MPI parallel code. The given software consistency check component for MPI application is a part of the S-MPI system developed which is the first corresponding commercial product in Russia. A number of examples of the MPI source problem code show an effective problem detection using MCCT. The consistency check results are given for two software packages developed in RFNC-VNIIEF, i.e. LEGAK-DK and LOGOS. MCCT performance measurements verify its competitive ability. Key words: MCCT, consistency check, MPI, S-MPI software system.
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