Issue No 3, 1999 |
Instability of an ideal/viscous fluid interface driven by combined constant and pulsed acceleration
Bakhrakh S. M., Kornilov Yu. I. VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 1999. No 3. P. 3-7.
Parallel computations of a two-dimensional heat transfer problem on unstructured grids using the MP-3 distributed-memory computing system Butnev O. I., Volkov S. G., Voronin B. L., Gorbunov A. A., Zhogov B. M., Malshakov V. D., Pronin V. A., Sofronov I. D. VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 1999. No 3. P. 8-15.
Paralleling of the explicit Lagrangian code D for two-dimensional multi-domain gas dynamic simulations Samigullina R. Z., Linnik D. M. VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 1999. No 3. P. 16-22.
Solving linear difference equations with a sparse non-band matrix on distributed-memory multiprocessor computers Samigulin M. S., Voronova O. A. VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 1999. No 3. P. 23-28.
Simulation of the Voytenko generator using the two-dimensional free-Lagrangian code MEDUZA Alekseeva T. N., Volkov S. G., Kuratov S. E., Morozov V. G., Olkhov O. V., Sofronov I. D. VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 1999. No 3. P. 29-33.
On the visualization of multi-dimensional simulation outputs Budnikov V. I., Butnev O. I., Bykov A. N., Pronin V. A. VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 1999. No 3. P. 34-37.
Implementation of the Youngs interface tracking method in the three-dimensional case on orthogonal grids Bykov A. N., Veselov R. A., Voronin B. L. VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 1999. No 3. P. 38-42.
A technique for constructing difference-differential equations of motion in gas dynamics for Lagrangian codes using irregular grids Vershinin V. B., Delov V. I., Murugova O. O., Sofronov I. D., Chernyshev Yu. D. VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 1999. No 3. P. 43-50.
Studying the efficiency of ion beam to X-ray energy conversion Degtyarenko N. N., Dolgoleva G. V., Eliseev G. M., Ermolovich V. F., Novikova E. A. VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 1999. No 3. P. 51-53.
MIXER technique for calculating the cross-section of photon absorption in mixtures Degtyarenko N. N., Eliseev G. M. VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 1999. No 3. P. 54-55.
Support software for the URS-OF package Voronov G. I., Gorev I. V., Leonova N. I., Osenkova G. S., Suraeva Z. V. VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 1999. No 3. P. 56-58.
On the corpuscular approach to turbulent flow simulations Morozov V. G., Olkhov O. V. VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 1999. No 3. P. 59-66.
RDV program: Visualization of two-dimensional and three-dimensional simulation outputs Moskvin A. N., Moiseenko Yu. A., Popovidchenko G. A., Suraeva O. E. VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 1999. No 3. P. 67-71.
On the correctness of the Cauchy problem for the equation of fluid flow in fractured porous medium Shemarulin V. E. VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 1999. No 3. P. 72-73.
A numerical solver and program for the three-dimensional (two-dimensional) heat transfer equation using a fully implicit scheme with a varied space stencil Rudko N. M., Skrypnik S. I. VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 1999. No 3. P. 74-79.
Paralleling of some rarefied plasma physics simulations on the SVK computing system Sysoeva T. G. VANT. Ser.: Mat. Mod. Fiz. Proc. 1999. No 3. P. 80-81.
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